
U9 Match Report 3 May

It was a great day and a very pleasing day of football. In cold conditions they were ready to play. Ronan had some great draws and passing and there were some great individual runs by all. It was great to see Joe building confidence and taking on the line with some strong runs. Sean also showed us what he can do with some great runs and tackling. Our defense is improving but we have to remember to spread out and move up. There was some great efforts in defense in particular Matt Moore who hits like a train. Also Blaise, Mitch, Jack S and Bowde showed some great cover defense and one on one tackles. It is also pleasing to see Xander getting and taking some runs and holding the ball tight. Hugh was also showing some great skills and almost scored a great try. All the boys are improving but remember it all takes time. They are 8 and 9 years old and as long as they are enjoying and learning that’s what matters. As some may be aware I have taken a job in Sydney and cannot make training all the time. I would like everyone to welcome Paul Forde who will be training and coaching the team. Paul has a wealth of knowledge in the game and will develop the boys further. Also Mark Delaney will be helping out with training. I will be assisting Paul on game days.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support. Clemy.